St. Theresa Sodality


In 2024, the St. Theresa Sodality and the Holy Name Society merged into one organization dedicated to the fulfillment of activities and initiatives aimed at supporting organizations and individuals in need.

President:                Maynard Melhem
Vice-President:    Naomi Koerwitz
Secretary:                Lila Melan
Treasurer:                Labebe Buesing                                                                            Outreach Coordinator:  Jordan Isaac


The St. Theresa’s Sodality was organized in 1934 by the late Reverend John Nehme.
The first officers elected were, President: Geraldine Boulous; Vice-President: Josephine Ferhot; Secretary: Jean Bentz; Treasurer: Susan Thomas.
After the promulgation of the Constitution, Father Nehme taught the Sodality the entire St. Theresa Service in Arabic and these services were held weekly.
For a number of years, an Annual Pilgrimage to the St. Theresa Shrine in Newton, New Jersey, was made by the members, but this gave way to the October Annual Breakfast, which also was the creation of the installation of the New Officers elected for that year.
The next Pastor, Father Ignatius Sayegh, was greatly interested in the Sodality movement and during this regime, the Sodality helped in building a stronger spiritual program for the benefit of the individual soul in the Parish.
Father Magee succeeded Father Sayegh and introduced the social aspect of the Sodality. He assigned the sponsorship of various fund-raising campaigns to the Sodality to help defray parish expenses and to reduce the mortgage. This program is still carried out today.
The May Crowning was inaugurated in 1943 by Father Magee.
Father Norman S. Peter in 1952 continued the program of his predecessor and succeeded in burning the mortgage after the Christmas Midnight Mass in 1953. In addition, the Sodality under Father Peter’s direction expanded its’ activities to include the Annual sponsorship of outings and picnics for the children of the Parish.
Every Pastor of Our Lady of Lebanon has been successful in his work and this is attributed to the faithful, cooperative and conscientious members of the Sodality.
May Almighty God always Bless each Sodalist, through His Servant St. Theresa; May the Sodality continue to be ever faithful, true daughters of The Little Flower; May the Sodality always continue to be the “Strong Right Arm of the Pastor”.


The St. Theresa Sodality is the oldest organization of our church. Founded in 1934, the Sodality’s mission of charity, goodwill and devotion to St. Theresa and the church has thrived for over four generations of parish women. From the era of our great-grandmothers to the present day, the Sodality has been one of the strongest constants of our parish community: furnishing collegiate scholarships to our young women and men; providing spiritual and financial aid to our church and families in times of need; organizing social gatherings for our parish and youth; and ministering to the sick, among so many other efforts. Like most enduring organizations, the Sodality continues to transform as new generations of women emerge and grow in our parish community.


We encourage all women ages 16 and above to join us, as we strengthen our community of women and affirm the future of our great organization.


Our prayer services and meetings are held on the first Monday of the month (bi-monthly, unless otherwise announced) at 6:00 PM in the church.

Past Presidents of the St. Theresa Sodality
Geraldine Boulous
Jean Bentz
Agnes Pellicotti
Lillian Constantine
Anna John
Selma Rizk
Ella Elias
Dorothy Mawad
Bessie Simon
Frances Koury
Maureen Geosits
Louise Jacob
Claire Melan Willard
Rosemary Canone                                                                                                                        Tara Symia Simonetta                                                                                                                Rosie Jacob Touma                                                                                                                      Naomi Karam Koerwitz                                                                                                            Jennifer Dudish